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Lenco-MD is the record player of the 21st century. It is 3D printed, modularand made of renewable green materials. The Lenco-MD rethinks the classic concept of the record player. Although its design is inspired by classic Lenco record players, its characteristics are not.

Private artist series

Private artist series

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Private clothing is a Belgian-based livestyle brand with its roots in youth- and boardculture. They have strong DIY ethic and make a strong point about producing their clothing in a fair and sustainable way. This collaboration focussed on the fall collection.

The design was completely drawn by algorithm: the individual leaves as well as the overall composition around the logo.



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It’s written in the stars

Stellar is inspired by constellations of stars, abstracted using primitive shapes and points. They are not digitally drawn, but programmed with the Processing environment. A system of rules is set in place, in which the computer can randomly take decisions and generate an outcome. Therefore,

Circular triangles

Circular triangles

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Full circle

The cirular triangles serie places pseudo 3d triangles in a circular or vortex-like composition. 3 fixed colors are randomly distributed. They are not digitally drawn, but programmed with the Processing environment. A system of rules is set in place, in which the computer can randomly take decisions and generate an outcome.



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Fish to the bone

A T-shirt illustration for a skateshop that has the name “Fishbone”, depicting a zombie-like creature that has a Fishbone spine, that shows while he pulls of his own head.

A commision for Private snowboard apparel.



The obtrusive ball

The obtrusive ball

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Physical interactive games

The obtrusive ball is an interactie platform , consisting of ball that can sense movement.  This system works without external controls.  The end goal is to create a ball that is capable of playing different kinds of interactive games in real life (like tag, for instance).  The project has come to a stop at prototype number 5,

More than meets the eye

More than meets the eye

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take a closer look

More than meets the eye” is a series of portraits of people from a minority group.  On the top part of the portraits, there is  part of a statement added.

The statement can be completed by posting a tweet.  

Help.Japan shirt

Help.Japan shirt

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creative data visualisation

This shirt design was created using the open source software Processing.  I used Processing to collect the data of this database, which contains the magnitude of the largest earthquakes in Japan over the last 33 years.

This data was used to create a visually pleasing composition using the national Japanese flag as center piece,

Virtual opera

Virtual opera

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Le tableau parlant

With the help of  3 students we setup experiments on how this virtual singer would be best represented during the opera.  In the end we developed a mask wherein we projected the pre-recorded face of the opera singer.

The images of the singer where controlled by computer on wich a performer pressed the buttons at the right time.