publication and speaking backup
How nursing home residents respond to the interactive art installation ‘Morgendauw’: a pilot study
Luyten, T., Braun, S., van Hooren, S., & de Witte, L. (2020).
Design for Health (2020): 1-17.
PhD dissertation: The art of feeling connected: Interactive art as emotion-oriented care technology in nursing homes
Luyten, T., 2019
process of co-creating the interface for VENSTER, an interactive artwork for nursing home residents with dementia.
Jamin, G., Luyten, T., Delsing, R., & Braun, S. (2018). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13(8), 809-818.
How nursing home residents with dementia respond to the interactive art installation ‘VENSTER’: a pilot study.
Luyten, T., Braun, S., Jamin, G., van Hooren, S., & de Witte, L. (2018). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13(1), 87-94.
How groups of nursing home residents respond to “the CRDL”: a pilot study.
Luyten, T., Braun, S., van Hooren, S., & de Witte, L. (2018). Journal of enabling technologies, 12(4), 145-154.
Participant responses to physical, open-ended interactive digital artworks: a systematic review.
Luyten, T., Braun, S., van Hooren, S., & de Witte, L. (2017). International Journal of Arts and Technology, 10(2), 94-134
co-design method for creating meaningful art installations for residents of nursing homes.
Luyten, T., Braun, S., van Hooren, S. de Witte, L. 2017. LAAN, T. V. D. (ed.) Shared insights on co-creation in healthcare. Utrecht: U-create.
Reconnecting People with Dementia by Using the Interactive Instrument CRDL.
Teunissen, L., Luyten, T., & de Witte, L. (2017). AAATE Conf. (pp. 9-15).
Master thesis: De intelligente snoezelruimte
Luyten, T. 2010
Public speaking
PhD defense
video report, University of Maastricht
Get acquanted with Tom Luyten
video portrait, Maastricht Academy of Arts
Interactive art in elderly care
presentation, TEDx
An affordable alternative to retail chain art
presentation, Pecha Kucha
Interactieve kunst in de ouderenzorg
High tech meets health care